
When we think of 21st Century Skills, we think about the myriad of ways in which information can be presented. Think about all the ways you might get information from a single web page, for example. You would read some text, click on a video, watch a moving graphic or ticker, listen to an audio clip, etc. Don't we need to be teaching our students how to present information in all of these ways?

Could they use a simple tool like the Web Poster Wizard to summarize gathered information, collect a few Internet sites, and present one graphic?  Using VoiceThread students can put images, documents, and videos together and then have conversations about that multimedia in a very sophisticated way.

Students can design easy or complex virtual tours with Mapwing, making interactive maps that they can share with others.

With ScreenToaster and Jing students can design screencasts of just one web site or several web sites. They can give tours of the most important information they have gleaned or critique a site.

JogTheWeb,and GoogleTreks give students opportunities to create presentations from web pages, giving guided tours of important sites. These tools would offer an authentic opportunity for clear, concise writing.

Finally, Museum Box gives students a virtual box in which to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box. They can display anything from a text file to a movie. They can also comment on the contents of other museum boxes.